Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 7 - The Juicing is over (Well Kinda)

Day 7 

wow, i cant believe its now been a week since ive chewed any food (not even a grape) its really been an emotional trip now i'm looking back at the week, the first few days being very hard for me and then seeing the change in my body to the point where i was feeling great. 

I would highly recommend trying this detox although you will need some strong-will and be able to take each day as it comes but i promise you it does get better, you will see food in a whole new light and also its a brilliant personal challenge. 

So now that ive eaten a mountain of vegetables (with some fruits) What am i going to do now? 

(Not far off this amount was consumed) 

...Well the night before starting this detox i went out and bought a nice steak from a farmers market and said i would have the same at the end of the 7 days but im sad to say this isnt going to be the case. 

After coming off a week long detox like this its important not to stress your body (and digestive system) with foods its not been used to. 
You will need to slowly reintroduce foods over a period of 4-5 days. 

For example:

Day 1 - Fruit salads, Vegetable Soups & nuts
Day 2 - Rice or Quinoa, butter beans and all of above
Day 3 - All above plus eggs & organic yoghurt 
Day 4 - All above plus introducing fish or meats if desired. 
Day 5 - The choice is yours
..and to me all of the above sound lovely, i really am excited to be waking up tomorrow morning and being able to make a fruit salad and start to enjoy meals again. I'm proud of myself for having completed this without giving in and im very happy with the results. 

Overall i have spent about £40 on this detox which over the week for ALL meals (well 4 pints of juice a day) works out at £5.70 (ish) a day. 
My shopping list for the week worked out like this:

6 lemons
4 celery bunches
6 nets of sprouts 
6 medium bags of carrots
5 Green Kale bunch
2 Purple kale bunch
4 Cucumbers 
5 bunches of Beetroot's
3 ginger stems 
10 Apples
5 Bunch of cabbage greens 
9 Tomatoes 
1 Coriander pack
1 pineapple 
3 packs of blueberries 
5 bunches of asparagus 
4 bunches of broccoli 
2 pack of spinach 
3 pears

Total cost £40

Tomorrow i will upload my new B.M.I scan, not sure if it will have any changes but that will be my final upload for this blog. 
Its been a fun way to share my experience and maybe it will help some other people along the way. 

Some tips i would like to pass on to you if your thinking about doing this are:
1 - Choose a week you have time to yourself, no weddings, holidays etc. (obvious i guess).
2 - Connect with other people (Twitter has been great for talking to others and seeing how they are feeling, just #juicing and message a few people...they are very friendly and despite maybe feeling alone at home you will have the support network in place and also people to ask questions)  
3 - At the start avoid group meals, nights out with drink. I think the temptation is to great and wont make it fun for you. After day 3 you will not want to let yourself down due to the journey you have taken so wait till after then) 
4 - Write down how your doing as a diary or will help you process what's going on and also make it feel more worthwhile.
..and dont give up juicing after the week, incorporate it into your day and this detox is good to do a few times a year but lets wait till you have got the first week out the way before talking about any more :) 

Well thanks for reading and i will leave you with a little quote to take as you will. 
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference."  –Robert Frost

Morning After

Right so i've gone and had another B.M.I Scan, unfortunately the body fat measurement was not working but it seems i have lost a fair bit of weight, in fact nearly a stone. My trousers are definitely more loose and i wasnt expecting to lose that amount of weight. I guess having a fairly physical job has pushed that along as well. Chow for now :) 

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